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Reborn: Demon Core Page 4
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Page 4
Ash thought about buying some HP potions as well but when he did the math it was cheaper to have Lillanis refill her MP and cast heal then to use HP potions. The only time HP potions would be useful was if he needed healed immediately and she was on her cool down period for her spell. Not seeing that happening Ash decided to forgo the HP potions.
As soon as they entered the labyrinth they went straight to work. Halon and Jacob lightly protested the use of potions, but since there was coin to be made, Lillanis supported him though not very loudly.
With the MP and SP potions there was no lag between their fighting. Having never used potions before, Ash never realized how much help they could be, though if he was concerned about coin then they would seriously eat into the profits. Thankfully with his high luck attribute, they received a drop item 99% of the time now and at least 75% of the time it was of good quality.
Ash also didn’t hold back in the fighting and instead of waiting for Jacob to come for the kill, he took out quite a few of the ogres alone using a combination of poison vine whip and death wail. Ash had learned that the ogres were extremely susceptible to these two techniques and if he used the vine whip first, most the time the ogres would die when he used death wail. The only downside was that he couldn’t use it if any of his group were within fifty feet of him otherwise they would get caught within its effective range.
Though it was hard, by the end of the day the group was able to kill enough ogres for Ash to obtain its last ability, Iron Strike.
[Iron Strike: Cost 15SP- triples the weight of a single blow.]
The ability sounded simple enough, but Ash could see its use. To test out the skill he found a lone ogre and tried it. Before when he hit an ogre with all his strength at most it would leave a deep cut, but nothing more. This time when he used iron strike, it neatly severed the ogre’s head from its body in one clean strike.
“So unfair,” Halon said looking down at his own sword.
“Don’t sit there and whine about something you have no control over,” Lillanis said while crossing her arms over her chest.
“Each and every person in the world is blessed with at least one unique ability. You are lucky enough to have two and yet you are still unsatisfied,” Lillanis added.
“That is true, but Ash has an ability that lets him gather abilities…Even you must admit that it seems slightly unfair,” Halon replied with a light whimper.
“Yes it is unfair but what can you do about it. His luck is abnormal,” Lillanis said casually.
“It is not as if I asked for this ability,” Ash retorted as the two talked as if he was not present. “I cannot do anything about what the gods have granted me.”
“Don’t let them bother you,” Jacob said with a small snicker. “They like to play out this little banter every now and then. I often say the two should just get hitched, but whenever I mention it I end up having my food budget cut to the bone.”
“What are you talking about Jacob, who would want to marry a man who can only think with his sword?” Lillanis said her face turning slightly red.
“And who would want to be with a woman who has the charm of a bull frog,” Halon retorted.
“We should leave before they degrade into throwing things,” Jacob whispered to Ash.
“Let us go so that the two lovers get their affections out,” Jacob said loudly.
Taking his small friends advice, Ash started to move toward the boss room so that he could warp out of the labyrinth when Halon and Lillanis called to them. Looking at the two, Jacob gave a hearty smile then yelled “run,” as he dashed in the direction of the plaque.
“Get back here you beardless dwarf,” Halon shouted chasing after Jacob.
From the smile on Jacob’s face, Ash could tell the smaller man was enjoying the chase and easily made it to the plaque before Halon. Ash warped out just after Jacob and watched as the little man darted into the city interior just before Halon arrive.
“Where did that little bastard go?” Halon asked looking around.
“Into the city,” Ash calmly answered.
Halon didn’t waste another second and darted into the city after Jacob. Just as Halon faded into the distance Lillanis appeared breathing hard. “You could have held back,” Lillanis said giving him a harsh glare. “What would have happened if an ogre appeared while the other two idiots were playing around?”
“Sorry,” Ash said bowing his head. Lillanis was right. If anything had happened, it would not only be Jacob and Halon’s fault but his as well. “I just got caught up in the moment.”
Lillanis let out a deep sigh then looked in the direction that Halon had ran in. After being surrounded by young women over the past months, Ash couldn’t mistake that sigh for anything other than it was. “You love him huh?”
“Is it that obvious?” Lillanis asked without a hint of embarrassment. “I met Halon when we were both young. At the time we lived in a large city and were both living on the streets. When some older boy were harassing me, Halon showed up even though he was a year younger and stood up against them. Ever since that day, he has watched over me. We met Jacob a few years later.”
“Have you ever told him?” Ash asked as he saw the warm smile on her face.
“Once…Years ago,” Lillanis said her face becoming somewhat pained. “He…Told me that he loved me as well, but only as a sister. For months after that it was awkward between us. Not wanting the same thing to happen again, I never mentioned it again.”
“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have asked,” Ash said consolingly as large tears started to form in Lillanis’s eyes.
“It is not your fault,” Lillanis said. “But if you really want to take pity on this older sister, then a good glass of elven wine would hit the spot.”
“What about those two?” Ash asked, waving his hand lazily in the direction of the city.
Lillanis let out a short laugh. “Jacob will move from bar to bar using what little coin he has hidden away while Halon will search every bar. If they don’t cross paths then in the morning they will both come back complaining about their headaches. If they do meet up, then they will fight, then drink and return bruised and complaining about their headaches.”
“Well then I don’t have to worry about them needing fed,” Ash said as he led the way back to the manor.
As soon as they arrived, Ash was greeted by Allice who was slightly blushing. “Welcome home master.”
“I’m home,” Ash said smiling. “Allice ask Gilda to find the best elven wine we have and to bring it up to the sitting room. Tonight Lillanis and I are celebrating idiocy.”
“Yes master,” Allice said though she looked at Lillanis with a questioning glare.
“So we are dirking to idiots then?” Lillanis asked as they entered the small sitting room often used for meeting special visitors. The room wasn’t very big, but it was the only room in the manor that had cushioned chairs and a long sofa.
“Just the idiot who is too blind to see the prefect woman for him,” Ash said with a smile.
Gilda quickly arrived carrying a plate of cold meats and cheeses. Milly followed behind her holding a large glass bottle in her hands with her small face pinched in concentration. Smiling Milly lifted the bottle up and Lillanis quickly took it with a warm smile to the young panther girl.
Lillanis poured her and Ash a glass then sat the large bottle aside. “What shall we toast to?” She asked as she lifted up her glass.
“Why don’t we toast to happiness?” Ash said after a few moments thought. “It is too rare in this world to find and too easy to lose once it is found.”
“I can agree to that,” Lillanis said lightly hitting the edge of her glass against Ash’s.
Ash had never drank in his last life and only sparingly since he had been reborn in this world. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the taste of wine or ale, but that he feared that it would mess with his training. Tonight though he forgot about training and continued to drink as Lill
anis poured him glass after glass.
Within the space of a few hours Ash and Lillanis drained three bottles of wine. “One time when were we in the city of Gifar Halon was hitting on this woman at the local inn we were staying in. Every night he would sweet talk her for hours. One night after weeks of trying, she finally took him to her room…he came running back to the common room half naked a few moments later. It seemed that she was more man than lady.” Lillanis said, slurring slightly as she told the story.
“Really,” Ash said his head spinning as he leaned against the large arm of the chair to hold himself up.
“Really,” Lillanis said laughing ash she leaned her head against Ash’s shoulder. “Jacob still teases him about it from time to time. Always pisses Halon off.”
“It sounds like you three have had a lot of good times,” Ash said, the envy evident in his voice.
“We had good times and bad.” Completely drunk, Lillanis turned her head to look at Ash but her hand moved as well sloshing some of the wine on his shirt.
“Sorr-rry,” Lillanis slurred as she tried to wipe the wine off with her handkerchief. When that didn’t work, she leaned down and started to lick the stain.
“What are you doing?” Ash asked laughing.
“Why waste good wine?” Lillanis replied laughing.
Suddenly Lillanis stopped laughing and rested her head on Ash’s chest. “Is there something wrong with me?” She asked sadly.
“Nothing that I can see,” Ash replied, absentmindedly rubbing Lillanis’s head with his head the same he would do Yuki or Allice.
“Then why won’t Halon love me?” She asked, raising her head up as tears ran from her eyes.
“I don’t know how to answer that,” Ash said, using his thumb to wipe the tears away from her left eye.
“Don’t I have charm?” Lillanis asked as she got unsteadily to her feet and twirling around.
“Your beautiful,” Ash answered honestly.
Lillanis laughed then jumped into Ash’s lap like a spoiled child. Grabbing Ash’s hand, she placed it on her arm. “Isn’t my skin soft?” Lillanis asked leaning back into Ash.
“Feels like silk,” Ash said as his finders traced the skin on her arm. It was soft and felt good to his fingers.
Suddenly Lillanis turned her head and pulled him into a kiss. Ash tried to pull back at first, but after a few seconds his mind went blank. When Lillanis released his breath had become haggard and his heart was threatening to tear its way through his chest. “Aren’t my lips soft?”
“Yes,” Ash said his mind in a haze.
“Then why won’t Halon touch me, or kiss me. Any other woman he is fine with, but he never even looks twice at me no matter how hard I try.”
“I don’t know,” Ash replied as his hand continued to run along Lillanis’s smooth skin. His mind completely absorbed in its silky feeling.
“You are nice,” Lillanis said pulling Ash’s arms around her waist.
Normally Lillanis wore a simple white dress with leather armor, but shortly after they had begun drinking she had removed her armor and placed it in the corner of the room. Right now Ash could feel Lillanis’s toned stomach under his hands. Lillanis pushed back into Ash and shifted in his lap.
Turning her head, Lillanis gave Ash another quick kiss. When she pulled back she looked warmly into Ash’s eyes then ran her finger tips over his cheek then kissed him again.
Ash pulled back as his mind cleared for a moment. “I can’t…Emelia,” but before he could say more his lips were covered again.
Letting go of his lips, Lillanis nipped Ash’s ear lightly. “Don’t talk, just hold me…Please,” Lillanis said with a sad glint to her eyes.
Seeing the look in her eyes, Ash felt bad and took another drink from the bottle on the table. As he sat down the bottle, he lightly stroked Lillanis’s back.
As the last drink of wine hit him, Ash’s mind started to get hazy. His eyes started to fade and the rest of the night was lost in a haze.
The next morning Ash was woken when his head started to pound as if a small creature had taken up residence within his skull and was using his temple as an anvil. Sitting up, Ash found himself in his bed. After grabbing his head, Ash placed his hand down to steady himself but his hand hit something soft.
“Uggg…” a pained groaned from beside ash.
In his half-awake and hungover state Ash thought that Yuki had snuck into his room so he pulled back the covers. Lying beside him was not Yuki but a completely naked Lillanis.
“My head,” Lillanis said covering her eyes with her arm.
“What are you doing here?” Ash nearly yelled even though his head protested the noise.
“Please don’t yell,” Lillanis said in a pained voice.
“What are you doing in my bed?” Ash asked, his voice barely a whisper now.
“Huh, you don’t remember?” Lillanis asked trying to give a smile. “Last night we simply enjoyed each other’s company.”
“Emelia will kill me,” Ash said as the meaning of her words sunk in.
“She won’t kill you just for a little fun,” Lillanis said indifferently. “If you are that worried about it, she doesn’t have to know. In fact it would be better if this didn’t spread very far.”
“Worried about what Halon might think?” Ash asked tactlessly.
“Not really,” Lillanis said slightly annoyed. “I just think it would cause undue trouble.”
“Sorry,” Ash said, not wanting to ague first thing in the morning while his head was thrumming. “I know this isn’t your fault. I…I.”
“I understand,” Lillanis said lightly kissing Ash on the cheek. “You are a good man…Just a little too emotionally immature…It’s attractive.”
Ash didn’t have the energy to pull away so he could only watch As Lillanis slowly dressed and left the room. After she was gone, Ash laid back in the bed and covered his eyes and moaned. “What in the world did I do?” Ash asked himself but there was no answer.
Once the pounding in his head calmed enough, Ash stumbled from the bed and dressed. He wasn’t in the mood to go to the labyrinth but he knew he had to do something to clear his mind and he wasn’t going to do that while staying inside the manor.
When Ash descended the stairs more than an hour later, he found Lillanis as well as the other two sitting at the table. All three of them, like him, seemed to be suffering from a bad hangover. Gilda, always thinking ahead, brought out a light meal that was easy to digest along with juice that was full of nutrients and good for hydration.
After the meal, Ash was feeling much better, but each time he looked at Lillanis he felt a twinge of remorse in his heart. He hadn’t even been married that long and yet he had already been untrue. The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.
“We going to the labyrinth today?” Halon asked in a mildly pained voice.
“No,” Ash replied shaking his head. “I have some business with Emelia today that I need to take care of.”
“Thank the gods,” Halon said with a groan and Jacob seconded it with a groan of his own.
After finishing his meal, Ash excused himself from the table. As he started to leave the manor, Allice appeared, ready to go with him. Ash excused her and asked her to stay back for the day. She didn’t complain but her eyes looked slightly sad as she left him standing in the doorway.
“Wait,” Lillanis said, grabbing his arm as he started to leave through the garden gate. “Are you going to tell Emelia what happened?”
“Yes,” Ash replied weakly, nodding his head. “If I hide it from her, I don’t think I could forgive myself.”
“Then let me go with you,” Lillanis said with a determined face. “I don’t think she will get mad, but if she does then it is just as much my fault as yours.”
“That is your choice,” Ash said his face slightly tightening. “I don’t know why you don’t think she will get mad. I just hope that she doesn’t have either of us killed.”
r /> Lillanis looked at Ash with doubting glance before following him out of the garden. On the way to the manor, not a word passed between Ash and Lillanis. Lillanis didn’t have a worried look, but anyone seeing Ash could tell that he was concerned.
Seeing the look on Ash’s face, the gate guard of the estate didn’t welcome him but instead quickly opened the gate for him. Word of Ash’s arrival spread fast as before he could take more than three steps into the manner, Emelia ran out to greet him. “Ash back again already?” Emelia said laughing, until she saw the sour look on Ash’s face. “Is something wrong?”
“Can we talk for a bit?” Ash asked, his face pinched tight. “In private.”
“Sure…We can talk in the study,” Emelia said, her voice laced with concern.
Ash didn’t take a seat next to Emelia on the couch like he normally would and instead sat in the chair across from her. Seeing this, Emelia’s face took on a concerned air and even more so when she noticed that Lillanis took up a position behind Ash’s right side. Ash didn’t know it, but Lillanis’s choice of position held a great deal of significance. It was the same reason that Emelia had put Ash on her right whenever people visited. It signified a lover.
“What is this about?” Emelia asked her eyes slightly watering.
“I don’t know how to say this,” Ash said and Emelia gripped the hem of her dress tightly. “Last night after drinking I laid with Lillanis. It was not my intention to betray your trust or feelings. I only hope that you can forgive us.”
“Are you leaving me?” Emelia asked then bit the edge of her lip.
“N-no…that is, if you can forgive me,” Ash said slightly surprised.
Emelia slumped down in her seat and let out a deep sigh. “Ash, I am guessing you still haven’t learned much about nobles,” Emelia said, her voice holding a tinge of anger. “I am sure I told you it was common for male nobles to have two or three wives as well as a number of lovers. Even among commoner families, it is not uncommon. I can’t say that I am happy about the fact, but I understood when we got married that I would have to share you. Just remember what I told you…I will always be first.”