Silver Mage (Book 2) Page 10
“Sorry Bren, I know you're right…it’s just,” Maria said, her voice tightening. “I will excuse myself before I do something that all of us will regret in the morning.”
“Sorry about that,” Bren said, bowing his head slightly.
“You did nothing wrong, but I thank you for your concern but the ordeal with master Turneal is of more importance at the moment.”
“Honestly, it’s not a big deal at all. He acted a fool and was thrown out of the meeting. If the tower wishes to make a formal complaint then let them, but they will win no favor by arguing with the major lords of the realm. Simply have Sae-Thae mention that to the council. As it is, I have far too much to do. I don’t have time to worry about an old man’s tantrum.”
Later that evening after the first roundtable Bren was not surprised when Master Turneal and Sae-Thae came to visit him. As much as Bren could tell it hurt Turneal’s pride he had come to apologize. Not out of any sense of wrong doing but in hopes that he could be readmitted into the discussion. Bren though was forced to deny him entrance into the meeting without the other lords approving first. It was a hard medicine for the master to swallow but he promised that he would talk to each king and queen personally.
Bren did not envy the man as he left especially when it came to dealing with his mother who was already in a sour mood. When he was later notified that the other four monarchs agreed to allow him back in the room as long as he agreed to mind himself Bren was more than a little surprised.
As he promised, master Turneal remained silent for most of the next day only adding in comment after he was recognized by Bren. It was easy to tell that the master wanted more done than what was being offered but he had no real power to demand such from the people present.
At the end of the fourth day the council finally reached a decision about the Brotherhood. As King Killian had first suggested they would watch and use what contacts each of them had available to keep a close eye on the brotherhood. It was also agreed that should any of their people enter any of the four lands they would face immediate execution. It wasn’t enough for Turneal but luckily for Bren he was able to keep his composure.
As was customary when there was a large gathering of lords there would be a large banquet to signal the end of the affair. It was a large show of power of the hosting monarch, sadly Bren was lacking in that at the moment but Phena promised that she and Sae-Thae had something grand planned and wished to surprise him and refused to let him in on any of the details.
That night, Bren caught himself pacing back and forth in the main hall of his own palace as he waited for the numerous ladies to ready for the party. Having lived in the Farlan palace he had attended many parties but this was the first time he had to attend one that was not in his own house meaning he had to wait for the others to prepare.
He could have sworn that all three girls had left to change more than three hours ago yet none of them had come down yet. Bren began to worry that someone might have easily slipped in during the confusion and assassinated them but he quickly put the thought out of his mind. There was no way that he could be that lucky.
Lillian wearing an emerald green dress that sparkled like a gem was the first ready, quickly followed by Elyse who wore a dark crimson dress that hugged her hips tightly.
Bren could tell that Lillian felt out of place as she continued to ask that he was sure that she would be allowed to attend. She was a great help around the palace but sometimes she valued her own worth too little compared to the others around her. Bren assured her that her status as his guest as well as a member of the magical races council was more than enough to ensure her a place at the table but she seemed unconvinced.
Sandrea, Shariel, and Brenda all descend the stairs to the main hall together and the combined beauty of all three left Bren speechless. If it wasn’t for the surprised gasp that Cass let out, he was sure that he could have remained standing in the middle of the hall like a fool with his mouth open.
“You all look exquisite,” Bren said, taking a deep bow.
“You think so?” Brenda said twirling around in a tight circle letting her black dress flutter around her ankles. Black was the perfect color for her given her dark complexion and brown hair, and the way it gripped tight to her body would send any young man’s mind searching for her company.
Shariel’s dress was more reserved and was a light cream color that looked almost indistinguishable from her skin. It almost made it look as if she were floating on a cloud as she walked with her golden curls bouncing freely on her shoulders.
While the other two dresses were bold in their own way, Sandra’s dress was the same kind she wore for most parties though that didn’t mean it didn’t have its own form of impact. It was the colors of the royal family a light silver trimmed in white. It hung loosely on her body and Bren was sure that it would shine like one of the Moon lilies in the evening light.
“What are we waiting around for?” Brenda said, grabbing Bren around the neck and pulling him toward the door getting a laugh from the others in attendance.
The party was being held outside in the large open area outside of the tower. The grounds had been sectioned off for the nobility, but it was set in such a way that the local people would enjoy the event in the surrounding area. Large magical fountains were placed around the edge of the event and each one kept changing shape to look like different things from one moment to the next. One moment it was two people dancing the next it was a bird in flight that seemed as if it flew from one fountain to the next.
Bren found Phena and Sae-Thae waiting for him in the center of the gala. “What do you think?” Sae-Thae asked, trying to keep his face unreadable.
“It looks great, but I fear you have more planned than just a few waterworks,” Bren said, eyeing his friend cautiously.
“It wouldn’t be any fun for me if I let you in on the surprise before it was revealed,” Sae-Thae said mysteriously.
“What would it look like if the host is the one most surprised by the events that are held?” Bren asked pleadingly.
“What indeed,” Sae-Thae said with a half-smile that told Bren that he was not going to get any information from the mage.
Sighing, Bren found master Turneal who had seemed to calm down a great deal over the past few days. Bren hoped that he was at least a little enlightened on how to handle himself in a real political atmosphere by the meetings, but he doubted that it would be a long lasting change. A man with that large of an ego would never be kept down by something as simple as manners. “Master Turneal, I could really use that voice enhancement spell of yours,” Bren said as politely as he could.
“Of course my lord,” Turneal responded, bowing his head slightly. Closing his eyes, Turneal slowed his breath and after a few moments he turned to Bren. “When you are ready.”
“Welcome everyone,” Bren said but this time he had prepared himself as his voice seemed to boom across the open square. “It is my pleasure to have you with me this evening and I hope you enjoy the festivities, we have plenty of surprises for you this evening.” As Bren raised his hands a large amount of fire raced into the sky. He tried his best to keep his surprise off his face as he watched the flames begin to gather in the center of the sky. As the flames gathered, a large dragon began to form. It was an amazing sight to see a creature that was rarely seen even in the days of myth even if it was just an illusion.
When the dragon flew across the group of partygoers, a loud roar erupted from the crowd and the large band of minstrels that had been hired started playing. It was a brilliant start to the evening, but Bren doubted that was all Sae-Thae had in store for them.
“Marvelously done,” King William said, grasping Bren’s hand in a tight grip.
“I can’t take credit,” Bren said, looking back to where Sae-Thae and Phena stood. “My friends went a little overboard.”
“I enjoy your honestly, but do you think that any of the parties that nobles or royalty host are
done by them. No matter who is the true source of the end product, you will be the one praised. It is part of your job to take that praise, to do anything less will make your guests feel as if you’re lording over them and make them self-conscious should you ever attend one of their parties. The one thing a noble hates is his ego being damaged.”
“I never thought about it that way,” Bren admitted.
“Usually only the most self-absorbed people understand without being told,” William said with a smile. “Eloen had to be explained that little detail many times and still sometimes she is caught telling the truth.”
“That’s just because I like them to feel like they’re not good enough to be in my presence,” Eloen said, slapping William hard on the back, the way a young boy might do a friend. “Keeps them from inviting me to many of their stuffy parties and having to think of a way to decline.”
“I knew there was a reason that you acted like that,” William said acting surprised.
“Bren, you will dance with me,” Eloen said, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the center of the field.
The music was soft and easy to follow. He wished that he had a master minstrel to play but on short notice he was lucky that Lillian was able to find a group of talented musicians to play for the event. Alone they were not the same skill as some found in the other palaces, but together they were impressive.
“You are too stiff,” Eloen said, grabbing Bren’s right hand and placing it farther down on her hip. “You need to let your feet move to the music naturally. You are the male so you need to lead as well.”
“I know how to dance Aunt Eloen,” Bren said, making a sour face. “I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Even if you have a lot on your mind, when you are with a beautiful lady, you should act like she is the only thing on your mind,” Eloen said scolding him.
“I promise to, when I have to dance with a beautiful lady,” Bren said smirking.
Without missing a beat, Eloen reached back and hit Bren hard in the chest. “If you value your life, I would suggest you rephrase that.”
“It’s… Just…That,” Bren said coughing. “You are so beautiful that it muddled my mind.”
“Much better,” Eloen said, pulling him in close.
After dancing with Eloen, Bren took turns with the other ladies that were present, even taking the chance at one point to dance with his sister and Lillian.
It wasn’t until the night was half over that he noticed Faye standing at the edge of the part on the commoners side of the field. Looking around to make sure that no one was paying attention to him, Bren snuck over to where she was standing and ducked below the thick glowing blue ropes.
“You don’t look to be having much fun,” Bren said, walking up behind Faye.
“Dear god, you scared me!” She said, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. “All my friends are dancing with different boys so I am the odd one out,” She said with a sad smile.
“I would have figured that you would have more offers than all the other girls together,” Bren said laughing, making Faye blush deeply
“A few asked, but I don’t like any of them so I turned them down,” Faye admitted.
“If you are waiting on someone particular, I should leave or they might not appear,” Bren said, looking around nervously.
“I was…and they have,” Faye said meekly.
“Where, I would love to greet them,” Bren said hastily.
“Idiot,” Faye mumbled under her breath.
Though he didn’t hear Faye’s softly spoken words, Thuraman’s came in like a roaring storm. “Please, can you give me one day to myself,” Bren said angrily.
I have left you be and I won’t interfere further, but beware that woman has plans in mind and none of them will do you any good.
While Bren didn’t trust Thuraman when it came to women he still tried to think of anything she might have planned for him but nothing came to mind. It was a funny thought, trying to imagine her as some evil villain wringing her hands behind his back and cackling. Pushing the thoughts from his mind Bren bowed lavishly. “Would you care for a dance?”
“I don’t know how to do any of these fancy dances,” Faye said slightly disheartened.
“That is fine, we can take it slow,” Bren replied smiling. “Everyone had to learn at one time or another.”
Faye gasped slightly when Bren put his hand on her waist and he could feel her wiggle slightly as she blushed. Bren took the lead, telling Faye each step before he took it. Faye was an apt learner, but her nervousness was obvious as she hesitated before taking each step.
As the song came to an end, Bren let go of Faye’s waist and bowed while still holding her hand. “It was a pleasure my lady.”
“Oh! What do we have here?” Brenda asked, walking up next to the rope sectioning off the two groups. “Little Bren has left me to woe some farmers daughter.”
“What should it matter if my father is a farmer?” Faye retorted quickly then blushed and looked away.
“She really is a farmer’s daughter… What do you know,” Brenda replied laughing.
“You have the tact and grace of a blind bull,” Shariel said shaking her head. “Don’t mind Brenda, we would be lucky if there was anything besides air between her ears.”
“Ladies,” Faye said, holding her skirt and making a timid bow.
“Ladies!” Bren exclaimed. “Shariel might be a lady when it suits her, but that term was lost on Brenda the day after she was hatched.”
“You flatter me,” Brenda said laughing. “Now introduce us before I beat you with the nearest object I can find.”
“Faye, I would like you to meet my aunts Brenda, and Shariel,” Bren said, waving at the two women unenthusiastically.
“Still calling us your aunts,” Brenda said eyeing him suspiciously. “If it hadn’t been for you pulling this little king stunt of yours, I would have had your mother agreeing to let us marry.”
“You were going to marry your aunt?” Faye asked, taking a step back from Bren.
“Brenda stop it,” Shariel said, hitting the other woman on top of the head. “The only reason you like him in the first place is because your names sound alike.”
Shariel turned toward Faye and gave her a bright smile. “You have to understand that things are a bit different in our family.”
“I have heard rumors about nobles marrying family, but I didn’t know…” Faye said blanching.
“None of us are blood related,” Shariel said laughing. “Bren’s father adopted me as his sister when I was a child. Brenda was adopted as well, but by Queen Eloen, but from watching the two you could never tell it. That is what I meant by a different kind of family.” Shariel waved for Faye to come closer, then pulled the young girl in close. “If you like our young king here, you will have to be pretty straightforward. Thanks to Eloen and Brenda, he no longer understands subtlety.”
Bren couldn’t hear what the girls were talking about, but he did notice a rosy color spread across Faye’s cheeks.
“Why did you come over here anyway?” Bren asked slightly annoyed. “I wanted to get away from the stuffy atmosphere that is the whole reason I decided to hide over here.”
“The Queen was looking for you,” Shariel said with a serious face. “She plans to leave at first light so she wanted to tell you her goodbyes before the end of the party.”
“Is that so, then I best go see my mother,” Bren replied sighing. “Faye, as much as I wish it didn’t have to, looks like our little party has to end. You should come by the palace more often, I miss talking to you.”
“She is a cute girl,” Shariel said as they walked back to the main party. “You should just marry her so that I can have some cute children to play with again.”
“She just thinks of me as a friend,” Bren said blushing. “Besides if you want to have kids to play with you should have some of your own. Don’t expect me to do it for you.”
sp; “I just want to have some to play with. I don’t want to have them all the time,” Shariel said laughing.
Just as Shariel had said, his mother was waiting on him but not for goodbyes. After giving him a tight hug, she pressed something cold into his hand. “It’s a return gift for your father’s sword.”
Looking down, Bren noticed that he held two earrings in his hand. They were not flashy things but he knew they were valuable. They had once belonged to his father and used to communicate over long distances with one other person. He didn’t know when, but he was sure that someday they would come in handy.
As the party began to wind down, Bren took the chance to escape from the mass of royals and nobles. He looked for Faye again but after not finding her, headed back to the palace in search of his bed.
When Bren woke the next morning, he immediately called for Elyse. When the young fire mage arrived, she looked every bit as worn as he felt. “You look as if you could use a good rest.”
“Whose fault do you think that is,” She said hotly. “You keep leaving me to deal with all the royals and their people. Last night everyone was looking for you but when Cass finally found you, you were asleep in your bed. He was quite upset that you left without notifying him. You’re lucky he didn’t skewer you while you were asleep.”
“Ah,” Bren replied. He had completely forget about Cass the previous night. He hoped that he had not caused his friend too much stress when he had disappeared. “The royals are the reason that I called you here. Do you happen to know if they have left yet?”
“Yes, King Killian left before the sun rose the others left not long ago. It seems that Maria is ready to be back in her own palace instead of sleeping in an inn,” Elyse said, her mood picking up slightly.
“Thank all the gods that is over,” Bren said, slumping in his chair slightly. “I don’t know if I could have survived it for another day.”